Waist circumference predicts poor motor coordination in Portuguese school children
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Body fatness may influence motor coordination in young
children. We aimed to analyze the relation between motor coordination and
waist circumference (WC) and to determine the ability of WC to identify
children at risk of poor motor coordination based on receiver operating
characteristic curve (ROC) analysis, in a sample of Portuguese children.
Methods: The sample comprised 738 urban school children (45.8% girls),
aged 8 to 12 years (mean 10.2=±1.2 years) from North of Portugal. WC
was measured with standardize protocols. Motor coordination levels were
assessed with the Körperkoordination Test für Kinder (KTK) and children
were classified according to age-and sex KTK criteria. For ROC analysis,
subjects were classified in two groups: (i) disturbances and insufficiencies
of coordination; (ii) normal and good coordination. Results: Linear regres-
sion analysis showed that WC was negatively associated with motor coor-
dination (B= - 0.553 SE:0.066, p<0.001 in boys and B= - 0.527 SE:0.084,
p<0.001 in girls). ROC analysis showed that WC predicted poor motor
coordination (AUC: 0.672; 95%CI: 0.623 to 0.717, p<0.001 for boys; AUC:
0.659; 95%CI: 0.606 to 0.710, p<0.001 for girls) with WC cut-off values of
71 cm for boys and of 66 cm for girls. Conclusions: Waist circumference
was associated with poor motor coordination. The early identification of
children with high waist circumference may be important to implement and
develop health-related behaviours as well as to avoid having poor motor