Multi-agent System for Monitoring Temperature in Sensing Surfaces including Hard and Soft Sensors
Artigo de Conferência
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In the digital transformation era, the collection of
data assumes a crucial relevance. In some applications, the use
of real sensors to measure the target parameters is constrained
by technical or economical limitations. In such situations, it
is required to use alternative techniques based on soft sensors
that acquire data by estimating the measurement of a variable
through the correlation of the data acquired by the neighbouring
sensors. However, the co-existence of real and soft sensors
requires a computational infra-structure that integrates these
heterogeneous data sources and supports the synchronisation
of the monitoring system based on the inputs of different
measurement nodes. Multi-agent systems provide this distributed
infra-structure for the data collection, ensuring modularity, scalability
and reconfigurability capabilities. This paper introduces
a multi-agent system approach to create a modular and scalable
sensing system, based on a diversity of real and soft sensors,
to support the monitoring of temperature in thin-film sensing
surfaces. The proposed approach was experimentally tested in a
plastic injection process, presenting promising results in terms
of accuracy and response time, and allowing to obtain more
sampling points through the use of computational techniques to
complement the real data.
The work reported in this paper was supported by ONSURF - Mobilizar Competências Tecnológicas em Engenharia de Superfícies, Projeto nº POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024521.