- In a chestnut high forest converted into coppice, 4 permanent plots were established in 1994. These plots are being managed according to the silvicultural models proposed by Bourgeois (1992) and adapted to our conditions. The treatments are: T1 = Model 1: small dimensions; T2 = Model 2: medium dimensions; T3 = Model 3: Large dimensions; Control = coppice without intervention. In 2003, a 2nd thinning was applied in order to select the more straight and cylindrical shoots without defects. The principal dendrometrical parameters (such as: number of stumps per hectare; number of shoots per hectare; mean total height of the shoots; dominant height of the shoots; mean DBH of the shoots; dominant diameter of the shoots; basal area of the shoots per hectare and basal area of the shoots) were measured, before and after thinning. Results show that T3 presents greater vigour and the highest dominant height. Concerning dominant height, T2 was exceeded by T1, because it has a higher number of shoots and, consequently, strong competition in relation to available site resources. It was expected a T2 with dominant height superior to T1, but we believe that T2 will recover its dominant height leadership with the heavy thinning applied in the last intervention (about 75% reduction in the number of shoots). The control follows the other plots dominant height growth pattern, although presents inferior mean basal area per shoot in comparison to the other treatments.