Manage ambient comfort preferences and conflicts on a smart environment Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Managing comfort preferences conflicts of the different users and locals on an IoT adaptive system is an actual problem, this paper proposes a protocol and hierarchical rules to develop a multi-agent system to achieve a smart environment that supports interaction between persons and physical spaces, where spaces smartly adapt to their preferences in a transparent way. And a set of security customizations to secure the actuators and users on space, that has been developed using a multi-agent system architecture with different features to achieve a solution that support the proposed objectives. This work resulted in the specification of an architecture that supports the solution found, to solve the problem. The agent system model is fully developed. At this stage the agent layer was developed, implemented, and is now in a testing phase. Now it will be tested and validated using real case studies, to gather statistical information to assess its effectiveness and performance. With this work, the specification of constraints for all preferences specifications was achieved. In this way the safety of users and actuators present in space is achieved. Also, the total development of an architecture and respective cognitive model for a Smart Home was achieved, using a multi-agent system with BDI agents, developed using Jason and ARGO. The main objective of this work was to verify the potential that this type of architecture has for the development of ubiquitous multi-agent system using low-cost hardware, such as Raspberry’s.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2022