Decision support system for Petri nets enabled automation components Conference Paper uri icon


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  • The expected behavior of industrial automation systems can be defined and modeled, but since not every event is predicted at design time, additional care has to be taken during the operation to handle situations such as exceptions, failures and new production orders. Another remark is also the limitation of modeling languages used in the control to permit the intervention of higher grade decision mechanisms. This paper discusses the application of decision support system for Petri net based processes to control automation components and devices. The decision mechanisms are used for path planning, production scheduling and preventive maintenance, to support the description of processes in Petri nets formalism. As such, the same Petri nets designed for the control are also used as analytical information input to the decision support system and for the detection process options that require decision. The solution provides a dynamic complement to the static modeling and operational flexibility. Experiments were done in a real service-oriented industrial factory-cell to prove the specified approach.

publication date

  • January 1, 2009