selected publications
conference paper
- Deficit irrigation strategies in olive orchards: influence on fruit quality 2019
- Use of kaolin as a reflective clay improves olive tree physiological and yield responses under different environmental conditions 2019
- Foliar application of jasmonic acid ameliorate photosynthesis and yield of the olive tree under summer stress 2018
- Fruit yield and quality of olives under different deficit irrigation strategies. 41-41. 2018
- Impacto da aplicação foliar de caulino na produção do olival sob rega deficitária e na qualidade da azeitona e do azeite. 35-35. 2018
- Respostas fisiológicas da oliveira e da composição da azeitona à aplicação de boro. 105-105. 2018
- Efeito da aplicação de glicina e betaína na atividade fotossintética da oliveira em regime de sequeiro. 178-178. 2017
- Foliar application of arginine, jasmone, and kaolin ameliorate photosynthesis of olive trees. 157-157. 2017
- Foliar application of melatonin to mitigate olive tree summer stress. 132-132. 2017
- Gas exchange performance and oxidative stress indicators in olive tree under different deficit irrigation strategies. 177-177. 2017
- Salicylic acid improves the tolerance of olive trees against the Mediterranean adverse summer conditions. 107-107. 2017
journal article