Radiation technology: processes and products: concepts and applications Capítulo de livro uri icon


  • The radiation technology process is based on the physics and chemistry of radiation interactions with matter and the quantities that are used for monitoring radiation energy depositions. The modifications in a material exposed to ionizing radiation are caused by deposition of energy such as in thermal or chemical processes. However in any thermal or chemical process the energy transfer is relatively small. Taking into account that the binding energies are generally below 12 eV any chemical bond may be broken and/or potential chemical reactions happen during the exposure to ionizing radiation. The impact of primary radiation energies (>10 keV, <10 MeV) could lead to the degradation and complex interactions with matter wich produce a cascade of reactions of secondary lower energies. Ionizing radiation with wavelengths less than 10^-10 m, such as gamma-rays, X-rays and electron beams have a higher energy, causing electron transitions and atom ionization, but the energy imparted in the system is not eneough to change the nucleus into a radioactive isotope. The primary radiation energies are produced by electron beam accelerators and electromagnetic radiation (X and gamma rays) are produced by machines or by radioisotopes such as Cobalt-60 or Caesium-137. Ionizing radiation is a clean and environment friendly energy and could be applied to a large range of applications on biology and chemistry fields. Some applications and their ranges of absorbed doses usually applied will be discussed.


  • Antonio, A.L.
  • Melo, R.
  • Marcos, H.
  • Silva, T.
  • Nunes, I.
  • Dores, V.
  • Pinto, M.A.
  • Reis, J.
  • Teubig, P.
  • Pedro M. P. Santos
  • Botelho, M. Luisa

data de publicação

  • 2010