selected publications
academic article
- Biogeografia de Portugal Continental. Quercetea. ISSN . 0 (1998) p. 5-56. 0:5-56. 1998
conference paper
- The vegetation of Madeira: II - woody caulirosetted communities of evergreen forest clearings: Euphorbion melliferae all. nova. 2003
- The vegetation of Madeira: III - Diplazio caudati-Perseetum indici ass. nova and Rhamno glandulosi-Sambucetum lanceolati ass. nova: two new hygrophillic forest associations from Madeira Island 2003
journal article
- Vascular plant communities in Portugal (continental, the Azores and Madeira). Global Geobotany. 1-180. 2012
- A methodological approach to potential vegetation modeling using GIS techniques and phytosociological expert-knowledge: Application to mainland Portugal. Phytocoenologia. 399-415. 2007
- Catálogo sintaxonómico e florístico das comunidades vegetais da Madeira e do Porto Santo. Quercetea. 61-185. 2004
- A classe Cytisetea scopario-striati em Portugal continental. Quercetea. 45-70. 2003
- Aditamentos à vegetação de Portugal continental. Silva Lusitana. 101-111. 2003
- The vegetation of Madeira: II - woody caulirosetted communities of evergreen forest clearings: Euphorbion melliferae all. nova.. Silva Lusitana. 111-113. 2003
- The vegetation of Madeira: III - Diplazio caudati-Perseetum indici ass. nova and Rhamno glandulosi-Sambucetum lanceolati ass. nova: two new hygrophillic forest associations from Madeira Island. Silva Lusitana. 113-116. 2003
- The vegetation of Madeira: IV - Coastal Vegetation of Porto Santo Island (Archipelag of Madeira). Silva Lusitana. 116-120. 2003
- The vegetation of Madeira: V - Lino stricti-Stipetum capensis, ass. nova and Vicio costei-Echietum plantagini, ass. nova, two new semi-nitrophylous associations from Porto-Santo Island (Archipelag of Madeira). Silva Lusitana. 120-123. 2003
- Biogeografia de Portugal Continental. Quercetea. 1998