Tensile Behavior of Weathered Thermally Bonded Polypropylene Geotextiles: Analysis Using Constitutive Models uri icon


  • This work was financially supported by (1) Base Funding, UIDB/04708/2020 of the CONSTRUCT, Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construções, funded by national funds through the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); and (2) Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Aveiro Research Centre for Risks and Sustainability in Construction (RISCO), Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal [FCT/UIDB/ECI/04450/2020].
  • Weathering agents can significantly affect the mechanical response of geotextiles, particularly when long exposure periods are involved. Usually, in design, changes in the mechanical behavior of geotextiles are represented by reduction factors for their tensile strength. However, their full tensile force versus elongation response can be affected. The main aim of this work was to contribute to defining simple procedures to estimate tensile force versus elongation curves for weathered samples of geotextiles. The tensile response of two thermally bonded polypropylene geotextiles, before and after natural and artificial weathering, was assessed experimentally and analyzed using different constitutive models: polynomial (Orders 4 and 6) and hyperbolic. The influence of weathering on the mechanical response of the geotextiles was analyzed, polynomial and hyperbolic models for representing the tensile force versus elongation response were adopted and their parameters derived, and simple relations were implemented to estimate model parameters for weathered samples. Results revealed the occurrence of changes in the tensile behavior of the geotextiles, both under natural and artificial weathering conditions. Both groups of models fitted the experimental data properly. The Order 4 and 6 polynomial models are shown to have limited application, as the model parameters had no link to the tensile properties of the geotextiles. By contrast, the parameters of the hyperbolic model were linked to the tensile properties, particularly if affected by correction factors. The hyperbolic model parameters of the weathered samples were estimated using the model parameters of the reference samples and the reduction factors to allow for weathering (initial stiffness and tensile strength). These estimates proved to be adequate for representing the tensile response of weathered samples, particularly for low ranges of elongation. Finally, a simple procedure to represent the tensile response of weathered geotextiles was proposed. This procedure has shown promise in generating realistic tensile versus elongation curves.

publication date

  • December 1, 2023