Teaching Crossroads: 7th IPB Erasmus Week Livro uri icon


  • The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) has participated in the Erasmus mobility programme for more than twelve years, becoming thus one of the Portuguese institutions that promotes students and teaching mobility the most. In the last decade, the IPB supported the mobility of 2900 students and more than 600 teachers and staff within this programme. These mobility numbers also place the IPB on a high level in the current international scene. The IPB is on the Top 100 of the European HEIs with the highest reception rates of teachers in Erasmus mobility. Since 2005, the IPB has organized an Erasmus Week for a more efficient collaboration with our European partners and to allow their teachers and staff to become familiar with the IPB campus, its Schools, the city and the region. During the IPB Erasmus Week, the IPB organizes teaching and staff training (STT) and the seminars prepared under Staff Teaching Assignment (STA) are scheduled and introduced in the regular timetable of Bachelors and Masters’ degrees classes. We believe that this represents an important opportunity to our students to learn from teachers all over Europe and to complement their education and training. Because our Erasmus Week is becoming a growing success, we proposed a new initiative to enhance the dissemination of the competences learned in the seminars delivered by our guest teachers. We challenged them to join our first edition of Teaching Crossroads, a result of the seminars/lectures/workshops provided during the 7th IPB Erasmus Week, held from 2nd to 6th May 2011. I wish to thank all the teachers who joined our initiative and hope that their visit to the IPB will, in this way, remain in time and in our memory. I also wish to express my gratitude to the excellent job performed by Elisabete Silva and Clarisse Pais who made this project come true. And see you again next May 2012, for the 8th IPB Erasmus Week and the second edition of these Teaching Crossroads at the IPB!


  • Luís S. Pais
  • Clarisse Do Ceu Pais
  • Elisabete Mendes Silva

data de publicação

  • 2012