selected publications
academic article
- Unravelling the effect of control agents on Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi on a chestnut-based medium by proteomics. Pest Management Science. 2023
conference paper
- Contamination by aflatoxins in different food matrices produced and consumed in Mozambique 2023
- Agentes biológicos no combate das podridões da castanha 2022
- Ensaio de campo para controlo de Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi. 27-28. 2022
- Chestnut brown rot and Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi: characterization of the disease and of the causal agent in Portugal. 23-23. 2021
- Enzymes and secondary metabolites profiles of Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi are affected by chestnut medium 2021
journal article
- Mycotoxins and Other Secondary Metabolites Are Produced by Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi When Confronted with Biological and Chemical Control Agents. Agriculture. 1166-1166. 2023
- Chestnut Brown Rot and Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi: Characterization of the Causal Agent in Portugal. Journal of Fungi . 401. 2023
- Field trials with fungicides and nutrient solution in chestnut trees: incidence of rots and Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi in post-harvest nuts. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. 54-64. 2023
- Impact of Cultivar, Processing and Storage on the Mycobiota of European Chestnut Fruits. Agriculture. 1930. 2022