Taxonomic composition and ecological characteristics of the endemic flora of the lower Duero Basin (Iberian Peninsula) uri icon


  • La composition taxonomique et une analyse de quatre caracteristiques ecologiques des 46 especes endemiques rencontrees dans le bassin inferieur du Duero (CW de Ia Peninsula lberique) ont ete realisees. Une analyse comparative des resultats montre que cette !lore endemique ne correspond pas aux schemas generaux observes precedemment dans d'autres flares. Les formes biologiques predominantes son! les Mmicryptophytes (43%) et les chamephytes (22%). En ce qui conceme le mode de dispersion des diaspores, 54% des especes endemiques son! depourvues de tout aspect adaptatif particulier. 89% des especes endemiques son! pollinisees par des animaux (essentiellement des insectes) et une seule espece est dioique. En se basant sur une classification binaire, les caracteristiques precedentes ont eta utilisees pour representer graphiquement les associations statistiquement significatives.
  • The taxonomical composition and an analysis of four ecological characteristics of the 46 endemic species occurring in the lower Duero Basin (CW Iberian Peninsula) have been made. A comparative analysis of the results reveals that this endemic flora does not comply with the general patterns previously observed in other floras. Predominant life forms are hemicryptophytes (43%) and chamaephytes (22%). As far seed-dispersal is concerned, 54% of the endemic species lack any noteworthy adaptative feature. 89% of the endemic species are pollinated by animals (mostly by insects) and only 1 species is dioecious. Following binary classification of the above characteristics have been used to plot statistically significant associations.
  • We would like to thank Dr. Tyteca for the translation of the French texts. This research was supported by a grant from Castilla y Leon Autonomous Government (SA 037/02)


  • Aguiar, C.
  • Amich, F.
  • Bernardos, S.
  • Fernández Diez, Javier
  • Crespi, A.
  • Pinto, M.A.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2004