E-business strategies for destination management organisations Conference Paper uri icon


  • Destinations Management Organizations (DMO) are the organizations responsible for management and/or marketing of destinations. With the advent of Internet and the easy way in which anyone can communicate with the consumer, the role of DMO as intermediaries is based on the need to add value. If DMO actively join e-business they can add value to the consumer but also to suppliers. Destination Management Systems (DMS) are a collection of computerized information about a destination, accessible in an interactive way. The concept is defined as a synonym of the technological infrastructure of a DMO. The present study aims to present the conceptual framework of an investigation intended to define the main factors behind the success of DMS. The research model is based on the assumption that success factors fit in three spheres of action: the dynamics of the system implementation within a DMO, the very specific features of DMS and the organizational environment in the destination.

publication date

  • January 1, 2013