Total body percentage and motor coordination among Portuguese schoolchildren Academic Article Conference Paper uri icon


  • Children’s motor coordination may affect their activity pattern and thereby influence their bodyfatness. The aim of the present study was to analyse the relationship between motor coordination and total body fat percentage, in a Portuguese sample of schoolchildren aged 9–12 years. Method: The sample comprised 596 urban schoolchildren (girls 46?9%), aged 9–12 years (mean 9?61 ( SD 0?55) years) from North of Portugal. Total body fat percentage was cal- culated with Tetrapolar Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, model Tanita TBF-300. Age- and sex-adjusted Z-scores computed total body fat percentage. Motor coordination levels were assessed with the Ko¨rperkoordination Test fu¨r Kinder (KTK) and children were classified according to age and sex KTK criteria (Schiling 1974). Date of birth, gender and school socio-economic status (eligible for benefit A, B or not eligible) were extracted from the school administrations records systems. School socio-economic status was used as a proxy measure of family socio-economic status. Results: In motor coordination, 22?4 % girls showed disturbance of coordination; 37?7 % insufficiencies of coordination; 39?5 % normal coordination and 0?4 % good coordination. Corresponding figures for boys were 7?3 %; 36?5 %; 54?3 % and 1?9 %, respectively. Linear regression analysis showed that Z-scores total body fat percentage (unstandardized B 5 20?258, SE 0?021, P , 0?001) were negatively associated with motor coordination, after adjustment for socio-economic status. Conclusions: Low motor coordination levels are nega- tively associated with total body fat percentage Z-scores. The early identification of children with poor motor coor- dination and/or high body fat percentage is crucial in order to implement and develop health-related behaviours. Funding: Research relating to this abstract was funded by FCT-MCTES Grant (BD/43808/2008). Reference: Schiling, F (1974) Korperkoordination Test fur Kinder, KTK. Beltz Test Gmbh, Weinheim.

publication date

  • January 1, 2012