Simulation of user habits in a context of intelligent environments
Artigo de Conferência
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In most of the research projects carried out, data are usually needed to simulate
the behavior and efficiency of the proposed solutions, since it is necessary to use them
to validate and test the research carried out at the most diverse levels. The development of this project also arises from the need to gather information on the comfort preferences (temperature, humidity, musical playlist, musical genre, etc.) of multiple users.
And besides that, also have the information of how each user adapts their preferences
to the place where it is. This information, in addition to being necessary on a large scale
(hundreds of users), would also be necessary in a very broad timeframe, always longer
than one year. As it is known that comfort preferences normally vary according to a
seasonal character, namely at the level of the seasons. Getting data with this dimension
and involving so many users is a difficult task and, in addition to the users collaboration,
would require a high cost, regarding the equipment needed to collect this information.
Thus an algorithm was created, which simulates not only the variation of preferences
of the different users, but also their daily life, taking into account the different places
that it frequents (home, work, places of leisure). In addition, the relationship between
users is also established, introducing the concept of family as well as co-workers.With
this work, and the algorithm developed, were achieved in full the objectives proposed
for this project.