e-Mentoring: A web platform to support mentoring programs
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Mentoring programs are becoming more common in higher education to support student’s integration and reduce the risk of drop put. In Instituto Politécnico de Bragança has been implemented the Mentoring Academy program through peer mentoring and peer tutoring, to contribute to the student's socio-academic inclusion. Motivated by this demand, we aimed at proposing a web application that complies with the Mentoring Academy requirements. Based on the literature review, we opted for the technologies ASP.NET Core and MySQL, for the backend, and Angular 6, for the frontend. The system was deployed on a Linux server located at the institution. The main challenge encountered was to design a system that would attend the routine of each one of the system's six personas. It was overcome using the SCRUM methodology, which was used in the application development, with biweekly meetings with the stakeholders to evaluate what was done and to define the efforts for the following fortnight. This interactive development process helped to guide the system's development to an early acceptance state by the stakeholders. The system supports connection between mentors and mentees, meetings, documents sharing, email and other management tasks. It provides graphs about the connection between mentors or tutors with mentees or tutees and the quantity of meetings held over time between them. It is expected in the future to be able to evaluate the academic success of the mentees enrolled in the program.