selected publications
academic article
conference paper
- Evaluation of minimum inhibition concentrations of plant against environmental fungi and dermatophytes. 179-179. 2021
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from plants as promising agentes against SARS-CoV-2. 144-144. 2021
- Plant extract with bioactive potential against SARS-CoV-2. 103-103. 2021
- Automedicação 2014
- Avaliação do efeito da aplicação de manoproteínas comerciais no incremento da qualidade de vinhos brancos. 35-36. 2014
- Cachaça Classification Using Chemical Features and Computer Vision. Procedia Computer Science. 2024-2033. 2014
- Influence of structural features of mannoproteins in white wine protein stabilization. 291-294. 2014
- Estabilização proteica de vinhos brancos por adição de manoproteínas e impacto na qualidade. 171-178. 2013
- Effect of different fining agents and additives in white wine protein stability. 163-166. 2012
- Potential of mannoproteins for white wine stabilization: effect on physicochemical and sensory characteristics 2012
- Elaboration of films from plant residues: a more sustainable alternative to the environment 2023
- Elaboration of films from plant residues: a more sustainable alternative to the environment. 2023
- Red grape pomace extract: bioactive potential against bacteria. fungi and SARS-CoV-2 2023
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from plants as promising agentes against SARS-CoV-2 2021
- Tendências temporais da infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana em Portugal: 1984-2013 2015
journal article
- White wine protein instability: Mechanism, quality control and technological alternatives for wine stabilisation—an overview.. 1-28. 2020
- A feasibility cachaca type recognition using computer vision and pattern recognition. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE. 2016
- Tendências temporais da infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana em Portugal: 1984-2013. Arquivos de Medicina. 148-152. 2015
- Influence of the structural features of commercial mannoproteins in white wine protein stabilization and chemical and sensory properties. Food Chemistry. 47-54. 2014