selected publications
conference paper
- Constitutive models and statistical analysis of the short-term tensile response of geosynthetics after damage. 29-29. 2022
- Constitutive models for numerical analysis of the short- and long-term behavior of geosynthetics and mechanical damage. 303-303. 2022
- Estudo paramétrico de estacas carregadas transversalmente por modelagem computacional 2019
- Parametric Study of Lateral Loaded Piles by Computational Modeling. ICEUBI 2019 International Congress on Engineering University of Beira Interior – Engineering for Evolution. 2019
journal article
- A Constitutive Model for Describing the Tensile Response of Woven Polyethylene Terephthalate Geogrids after Damage. Materials. 5384. 2023
- Constitutive models and statistical analysis of the short-term tensile response of geosynthetics after damage. Construction and Building Materials. 125972. 2022