Complete design and optimization of multicomponent separation processes: the case study of the quaternary separation of nadolol stereoisomers. Conference Paper uri icon


  • Chiral liquid chromatography is based on different mutual interactions between the molecules that elute with the liquid (solvent and solutes) and the molecules that are present in the stationary phase. Therefore, optimization of a chiral separation is based on the selection of a proper combination between a CSP and a mobile phase (solvent) composition by promoting, in a favorable way, all possible mutual interactions. The optimization will be a much more challenging task if we are leading not with a traditional binary racemic mixture separation problem but if we are interested in the separation of a quaternary chiral mixture. The complexity degree will be significantly increased if we consider a preparative separation, using a technique such as the simulated moving bed technology, were high feed concentrations are normally used in order to improve the process performance. In these situations, the wanted high concentrations of the different chiral solutes inside the chromatographic columns will enhance significantly the mutual competition between solutes for adsorption with the stationary phase.

publication date

  • January 1, 2014