selected publications
conference paper
- Testamento vital – perceção dos conhecimentos e atitudes dos enfermeiros. 173-173. 2020
- Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives.. 40. 2017
- Domestic violence and child development – systematic literature review. 71. 2017
- Domestic violence – a retrospective study witn significant changes. 71. 2017
- Loving relationships – between the essential and the impossible. 32. 2017
- Loneliness and depression in the institutionalized elderly. INFAD. Revista científica internacional de psicología educativa y evolutiva de la infancia, adolescencia, mayores y discapacidad.. 123-123. 2014
- Affective relationships from youth and adults' perspectives.. 40-41. 2017
- Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives. 2017
- Domestic violence and child development – systematic literature review 2017
- Domestic violence and child development: systematic literature review. 71-71. 2017
- Domestic violence: a retrospective study with significant changes. 70-71. 2017
- Loving relationships – between the essential and the impossible 2017
- Loneliness and depression in the institutionalized elderly. 123-123. 2014