Evaluation of information systems curriculum in Portugal and Russia Artigo de Conferência Livro uri icon


  • The importance of Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) to organizations and the need for skilled professionals in the field is one of the most important challenges to universities. With the technological and organizational changes, IS education has been under continued adaptation, and higher education institutions have several difficulties in keeping the bachelor degrees curriculum updated. Several international organizations (ACM, AIS, BCS, IFIP, etc.) proposed for the last 40 years several curriculum guidelines, which are important to redesign the curriculum for survival in the current economic environment. The main purpose of this work is to compare Portuguese and Russian bachelor degrees with several standard curriculum on Information Systems proposed by recognized international organizations. The results obtained show the differences that exist between international curriculum guidelines and the bachelor degrees, and give us a perspective of the adequacy of the Portuguese and Russian curricula to the current requirements.

data de publicação

  • 2018