- Vortex dynamics and passive tracers in vortex-dominated flows form a vast area of research that continues to attract the attention of numerous studies. Among these studies, it has emerged in recent times a special interest in the use of control theory applied to vortex dynamics. Point vortices are singular solutions of the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equations. These solutions correspond to the limiting case where the vorticity is completely concentrated on a finite number of spatial points, each with a prescribed strength/circulation. By definition, a passive tracer is a point vortex with zero circulation. We are concerned with the dynamics of a passive tracer advected by two-dimensional point vortex flow. More precisely, we want to drive a passive particle from an initial starting point to a final terminal point, both given a priori, in a given finite time. The flow is originated by the displacement of N viscous point vortices. More precisely, we look for the optimal trajectories that minimize the objective function that corresponds to the energy expended in the control of the trajectories. The restrictions are essentially due to the ordinary differential equations that govern the displacement of the passive particle around the viscous point vortices.