selected publications
academic article
- Abstracts of the {International. Motricidade. 13:99-227. 2017
- Estabilidade da performance e fatores determinantes em nadadores jovens com recurso à análise de clusters. 2014
conference paper
- Prática de Ensino Supervisionada na Universidade de Évora - Formação inicial de educadores e professores e investigação (Supervised Teaching Practice at the University of Évora - Initial training of educators and teachers and research). 16-17. 2020
- Abstracts of the International Congress of Research Center in Sports Sciences, Health Sciences & Human Development (2016). 104-105. 2017
journal article
- Relationship between thrust, anthropometrics, and dry-land strength in a national junior swimming team. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 1-8. 2019