selected publications
academic article
- Sustainable management of olive rainfed orchards by the introduction of leguminous cover crops. Ecology & Safety. 7:146-156. 2013
conference paper
- Improving the sustainability of rainfed olive orchards by using zeolites and early-maturing annual legumes cover crop. 12-13. 2022
- Soil amendment with Zeolites and Biochar influenced soil properties, photosynthetic performance and olive fruit and oil composition. 61-61. 2022
- A fertilização mineral com alta dose de azoto aumentou a produção de azeitona em olival de sequeiro, mas reduziu a matéria orgânica do solo em comparação com o uso de três corretivos orgânicos. 86-86. 2021
- A smart controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree physiology and yield. 88-88. 2021
- Clinoptilolite zeolite foliar application on rainfed olive trees: effects on physiology, biochemistry, growth, yield and olive oil quality. 89-89. 2021
- Fungos micorrízicos foram mais efetivos que zeólitos no aumento do crescimento de oliveiras jovens plantadas num solo ácido. 82-82. 2021
- Produção de azeitona e propriedades do solo em olival de sequeiro após aplicação de biochar, zeólitos e fungos micorrízicos. 42-42. 2021
- Use of leguminous cover crops as a sustainable strategy on rainfed olive orchards: effects on physiology, yield and fruit composition. 29-30. 2021
- Deficit irrigation strategies in olive orchards: influence on fruit quality 2019
- Managing soils for mitigation and adaptation of rainfed olive trees to climate change 2019
- Physiological and biochemical impacts of leguminous cover crops in olive rainfed orchards 2019
- Use of kaolin as a reflective clay improves olive tree physiological and yield responses under different environmental conditions 2019
- Annual legume cover crops enhance the sustainability of rainfed olive orchards: from leaf ionome to tree physiology. 110-110. 2018
- Avaliação do efeito do coberto vegetal do solo nos compostos fenólicos e na capacidade antioxidante das azeitonas.. 169-169. 2018
- Dynamics of minerals and nutrient imbalances in olive leaves under tillage and annual legume cover crops. 22-22. 2018
- Efeito de resíduos orgânicos e biochar no desenvolvimento inicial da oliveira. 104-104. 2018
- Foliar application of jasmonic acid ameliorate photosynthesis and yield of the olive tree under summer stress 2018
- Fruit yield and quality of olives under different deficit irrigation strategies. 41-41. 2018
- Impacto da aplicação foliar de caulino na produção do olival sob rega deficitária e na qualidade da azeitona e do azeite. 35-35. 2018
- Kaolin and salicylic acid alleviate summer stress effects on rainfed olive orchards through distinct physiological and biochemical processes. 33-33. 2018
- Leguminous cover crop to adapt olive rainfed orchards to climate change. 166-166. 2018
- Physiological and biochemical responses of olive tree to potassium supply under rainfed conditions. 55-55. 2018
- Respostas fisiológicas da oliveira e da composição da azeitona à aplicação de boro. 105-105. 2018
- Use of kaolin as a summer stress alleviating product in olive orchards under rainfed conditions. 57-57. 2018
- Weather year-to-year variations determine the influence of kaolin and salicylic acid in olive fruits and oil phenolic composition. 34-34. 2018
- Application of a grey anti-hail net in two apple tree cultivars: effect on physico-chemical characteristics of fruits. 142-142. 2017
- Application of anti-hail net in apple orchards: effects on fruits chemical characteristics. 10º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia. 2017
- Efeito da aplicação de glicina e betaína na atividade fotossintética da oliveira em regime de sequeiro. 178-178. 2017
- Fertilização com boro melhora a fisiologia da oliveira em condições de sequeiro. 176-176. 2017
- Foliar application of arginine, jasmone, and kaolin ameliorate photosynthesis of olive trees. 157-157. 2017
- Foliar application of melatonin to mitigate olive tree summer stress. 132-132. 2017
- Gas Exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of “Golden Delicious” and “Fugi” apple trees protected by a grey anti-hail cover. 102-102. 2017
- Gas exchange performance and oxidative stress indicators in olive tree under different deficit irrigation strategies. 177-177. 2017
- Kaolin spray induces changes in ABA and IAA immunodistribution in olive leaves.. 123-123. 2017
- Photosynthesis of Fuji' apple trees protected by two anti-hail nets. VIII Congresso Ibérico de Ciências Hortícolas. 143-143. 2017
- Salicylic acid improves the tolerance of olive trees against the Mediterranean adverse summer conditions. 107-107. 2017
- Boron nutrition affects membrane leakage and chemical composition of leaves and fruits of Olea europaea. 65-65. 2016
- Green manure legumes affect seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in an olive rainfed orchard. 19-19. 2013
- Oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in olive tree subjected to cover crops under rainfed conditions. 11th International POG Conference, Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants. 2013
- Short and long-term benefits of white lupin as a cover crop on olive physiology 2013
- Efeito de sistemas de manutenção da superfície do solo na eficiência do uso da radiação em olival de sequeiro. 54-54. 2012
- Impacto de sistemas de gestão do solo na fisiologia do olival de sequeiro. 17-17. 2012
- Sistemas de manutenção da superfície do solo e influência na dinâmica da água no solo em olival de sequeiro em Trás-os-Montes. 131-131. 2012
- Biomarkers of oxidative stress in olive rainfed orchards under different cover crops. 66-66. 2011
- Cover cropping effects on olive physiology in rainfed orchards. 315-315. 2011
- Cover crops for the sustainability of rainfed olive orchards. 172-172. 2011
journal article
- Synergy between Zeolites and Leguminous Cover Crops Improved Olive Tree Performance and Soil Properties in a Rainfed Olive Orchard. Agronomy. 1-19. 2023
- Dolomitic limestone was more effective than calcitic limestone in iin increasing soil pH in an untilled olive orchard. Soil Use and Management. 1437-1452. 2023
- Combining Zeolites with Early-Maturing Annual Legume Cover Crops in Rainfed Orchards: Effects on Yield, Fatty Acid Composition and Polyphenolic Profile of Olives and Olive Oil. Molecules. 2545. 2023
- Olive Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Olives and Oil in Response to Nutrient Application under Rainfed Conditions. Molecules. 831. 2023
- Zeolites and Biochar Modulate Olive Fruit and Oil Polyphenolic Profile. Antioxidants. 1332. 2022
- Photosynthesis, Yield, Nutrient Availability and Soil Properties after Biochar, Zeolites or Mycorrhizal Inoculum Application to a Mature Rainfed Olive Orchard. Agriculture. 171-171. 2022
- Grey and Black Anti-Hail Nets Ameliorated Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious) Physiology under Mediterranean Climate. Plants. 2021
- Inorganic Fertilization at High N Rate Increased Olive Yield of a Rainfed Orchard but Reduced Soil Organic Matter in Comparison to Three Organic Amendments. Agronomy. 2172-2172. 2021
- A controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree performance. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2021
- Kaolin foliar spray improves olive tree performance and yield under sustained deficit irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae. 109795-109795. 2021
- Mycorrhizal Fungi were More Effective than Zeolites in Increasing the Growth of Non-Irrigated Young Olive Trees. Sustainability. 1-10630. 2020
- Olive tree physiology and chemical composition of fruits are modulated by different deficit irrigation strategies. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 682-694. 2020
- Kaolin and salicylic acid alleviate summer stress in rainfed olive orchards by modulation of distinct physiological and biochemical responses. Scientia Horticulturae. 201-211. 2019
- Biochar combinado com resíduos orgânicos tem um reduzido efeito nas propriedades químicas do solo e no crescimento das plantas. SPANISH JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE. 199-211. 2019
- Kaolin and salicylic acid foliar application modulate yield, quality and phytochemical composition of olive pulp and oil from rainfed trees. Scientia Horticulturae. 176-183. 2018
- Sustainable management of olive rainfed orchards by the introduction of leguminous cover crops. Ecology & Safety. 146-156. 2013