Local Governments Budgeting: A Portuguese Analysis of Central Dependency Conference Paper uri icon


  • The most recently challenges in Public Management are felt in several countries, which lead to the appearance of a set of innovative initiatives in the field of the Public Administration. This concept, more or less global (kellt, 2001), of administrative reform is known as the New Public Management and appears with the goal to improve the efficiency, the effectiveness and citizen satisfaction in public services. Is mainly based in the introduction of market type mechanism and the adoption of private management tools. It promotes the competition between public and private agents in order to succeed an improvement in service quality, at the same time that it reduces production costs (Hartley, Butler e Benington, 2002, p. 388). According to NPM models presented by Ferlie, Ashburner, Fitzgerald e Pettigrew (1996) that takes into account that there isn’t a clear definition of what it’s the NPN, the agenda of administrative reform in Portugal, is base on the two first’s models. It’s settled in politic of budgetary restriction, decentralization and atomization of Public Administration. Although it’s autonomy, the local governance also is affected by theses options of Central Administration. If in the countries of Anglo-Saxon origin, the model of reform of local power, it’s based in the adoptions of specific programs of management as the Compulsory Competitive Tendering, o Best Value, in Portugal the reality is different. The administrative modernization was made mainly by changes in the administrative organization and in the transfer of power between the different levels of Portuguese Public Administration, rather than by the implementation of specific management programs of modernization. This is due to the classic/continental administrative model which still is the Portuguese administrative mainframe. Reforms nowadays are still being implemented through financial legislation as a way of Central Administration spread reforms ideology to Local Governments. The local administration stars to win relative importance after 24 of April of 1974. This level of administration is characterized by autonomy and decentralization principles. Actually, this local power is guide by a new law of local financial. It’s relevant to analyse and debate the consequence of this new law and understand it’s proposed in a NPM reform context. This paper is based on a Master project and it seeks this objectives. This constitutes a challenge to analyse in comparison with the others the degree of bigger centrality and/or autonomy that the same ones reflected.

publication date

  • January 1, 2007