selected publications
- Augmented Computing and Smart Cities Sustainability. Ed. 14108. 2023
- How 5G Will Transform Smart Cities: A Literature Review. Ed. 14108. 2023
- How the 5G Network Will Boost the Concept of Smart Tourism in Portugal: A Literature Review. Ed. 340. 2023
- Impact of ICT on the Agricultural Sector's Sustainability: Evidence Based on Practices. Ed. 14108. 2023
- The Impact of TikTok on Digital Marketing. Ed. 205. 2021
- An Exploratory Study on the Simulation of Stochastic Epidemic Models. Ed. 1159 AISC. 2020
- Mobile Communication Systems: Evolution and Security. Ed. 152. 2020
- The Four Dimensions of the GDPR Framework: An Institutional Theory Perspective. Ed. 152. 2020
- The Influence of YouTubers in Consumer Behavior. Ed. 167. 2020
- User Behavior: The Case of Instagram. Ed. 167. 2020
- EU General Data Protection Regulation Implementation: An Institutional Theory View. Ed. 930. 2019
- Improvement of the Applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics. Ed. 930. 2019
- Mobile crowdsensing privacy. Ed. 932. 2019
- The Art of Phishing. Ed. 918. 2019
- The relationship between smart cities and the internet of things in low density regions. Ed. 850. 2019
- Cognitive Computing in the Travel and Tourism Industry 2024
- Augmented Analytics an Innovative Paradigm. 725-733. 2023
- Two Decades (2000–2020) of Scientific Production About Digital Economy: A Bibliometric Analysis. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. 335-351. 2023
- Participative Sensing Challenges. 427-439. 2022
- Digital Influencers and Follower Behavior. 30-51. 2020
conference paper
- Deterministic and Stochastic Simulation of the COVID-19 Epidemic with the SEIR Model. 1-6. 2021
- The impact of cloud computing and virtualization on business. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 399-412. 2021
- How to measure the performance of a smart city. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 77-86. 2020
- Geographic market intelligence as a competitive advantage. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 1-5. 2019
- How ISO 27001 Can Help Achieve GDPR Compliance. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. 1-6. 2019
- The relationship between smart cities and the internet of things in low density regions. 369-378. 2018
journal article
- Computational simulation of the COVID-19 epidemic with the SEIR stochastic model. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. 2021
- Business to consumer (B2C): barreiras à compra online identificadas por estudantes do ensino superior em Portugal. Procedia Computer Science. 207-220. 2021
- General Data Protection Regulation in Health Clinics. Journal of Medical Systems. 1-9. 2020
- Impact of brand loyalty and online impulse buying on the consumer’s attitude towards the brand. Procedia Computer Science. 100-118. 2020
- Importance of pilot navigation planning in naval squad units. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Influence of maritime interests in the economy of Ecuador. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Implementation of ISO 27001 standards as GDPR compliance facilitator. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Management. 1-8. 2019
- Políticas de segurança e privacidade: forma e fundo. Procedia Computer Science. 332-342. 2019
- Special Section: Intelligent fuzzy theory in engineering and science, Guest editors: Teresa Guarda, Isabel Lopes and Álvaro Rocha. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. 5799-5800. 2019