Vaporwave Microgenres in The Social Media Universe Conference Paper uri icon


  • If in the still recent past the process of creation and dissemination of artistic and cultural movements was conditioned by a structure led by artists, mediators and art connoisseurs or art critics who maintained relationships with entrepreneurs, patrons or curators of art museums and/or galleries, in the last decade, strongly marked by new technologies, social networks have assumed an increasingly important role in this process. This study aims to examine the proliferation of online communities, identify the digital platforms on which they manifest themselves, their importance as incubators for new artistic-cultural movements, and the changes in social behavior that accompany this process. This was done through the case study of the vaporwave phenomenon and its multiplicity in the social universe of the web The results make evident the multiplicity and, simultaneously, the ephemerality of these micro genres, pointing to a paradigm shift in the production, distribution and consumption of audiovisual content.

publication date

  • November 2021