Fire resistance of cellular wooden slabs with rectangular and circular perforations Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • This work presents a numerical and experimental approach in order to predict the thermal behaviour and the performance of typical cellular wooden slabs with rectangular and circular perforations when submitted to fire conditions. For this purpose a 3D numerical model was validated with different experimental tests at real scale obtained in laboratory in four cellular wooden slabs. This study was conducted in accordance with European standard (EN 1365-2, 1999) and using a fire resistance furnace which complies the requirements of European standard (EN 1363-1, 1999). The numerical temperatures show good agreement with experimental results. The numerical model can easily be adjusted for other constructive solutions, to facilitate fire safety tests, in buildings with wooden slabs used in floors or in ceilings applications.
  • This work presents a numerical approach in arder to predict the behaviour and the perfonnance of typical cellular wooden slabs with rectangular and circular perforations when submitted to fire conditions. For this purpose a 3D numerical model was validated with different experimental tests at real scale obtained in laboratory m four cellular wooden slabs. This study was conducted in accordance with European standard EN 1365-2 and using a fire resistance íümace which complies the requirements ofEN 1363-1. The thermal perfomiance of the slab and the charring rate of the exposed siiïface will be compared for each type of perforations.


  • Piloto, P.A.G.
  • Couto, David
  • Elza M. M. Fonseca
  • Meireles, J.M.

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2015