selected publications
academic article
- The role of Bill of Materials and Movements (BOMM) in the virtual enterprises environment. International Journal of Production Research. 46:1163-1185. 2008
- Autonomous Production Systems in virtual enterprises. Internaional Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,. 18:357-366. 2005
- Autonomous Production Systems as Organizational UNITS FOR Virtual Enterprises. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems - IJAMS. 6:37-48. 2003
- Production Planning and Control in Virtual Enterprises environment using APS Concept. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems - IJAMS. 6:27-36. 2003
conference paper
- Aplicação Protótipo para Operação de Empresas Virtuais (APOEV) 2005
- A Virtual Enterprise Production Planning and Control System Specification 2004
- Viability of the Virtual Enterprises Based on Autonomous Production System 2004
- Production Planning and Control and Performance Measurement in Virtual Enterprises. 695-701. 2003
- The agility rate of Virtual Enterprises. 682-688. 2003
- Autonomous Production Systems as Organizational UNITS FOR Virtual Enterprises. 330-334. 2002
- Autonomous Production Systems in Virtual Enterprises. 467-474. 2002
- Production Planning and Control in Virtual Enterprises environment using APS Concept. 473-477. 2002
- Creating Virtual Enterprises Based on Autonomous Production Systems, 2001
- Developing A Production Planning And Control (PPC) System For Virtual/Distributed Enterprises (V/DE) Environment. 632-637. 2001
- Distributed/Virtual Enterprises Based on Autonomous Production Systems. 638-643. 2001
- Production Management in Virtual Enterprises 2001
- Two Approaches To Resource Elements Scheduling System. 516-520. 1999
journal article
- The role of Bill of materials and movements (BOMM) in the virtual enterprises environment. International Journal of Production Research. 1163-1185. 2008