Management of motivational factors involved in satisfaction / motivation of team multidisciplinary health center of Bragança Conference Paper uri icon


  • The Professional satisfaction is a complex area and difficult to assess but at the same time, unavoidable. As a nurse, to perform management functions in a multidisciplinary team, developed an interest in this subject. This study, exploratory, descriptive and transversal and quantitative aims to assess job satisfaction of professionals in the centro de saúde da Unidade Local de saúde do Nordeste Centro de Saúde de Bragança. The dependent variable is job satisfaction, was operationalized in seven dimensions: Remuneration; Work and Health Conditions; Job Security; Professional Relations with Patients and Work Team; Autonomy; Status and Prestige, Personal and Professional Satisfaction and Organizational Achievement. The instrument used to collect data was an questionnaire based on a Graça’s questionnaire (1999) adapted to the Portuguese culture, particularly for health professionals. The results highlight that the respondents have high expectations for all dimensions of work and that overall they are quite satisfied. The dimensions which pertain to reveal greater satisfactionare : Status and Prestige, Professional Relations with Patients and Work Team, Work and Health Conditions. The factors that contribute most to satisfaction are intrinsic factors and the factors that cause the most dissatisfaction are job security and Remuneration. By professional groups, the more satisfied are the technicians, and the nurses less satisfied. Based on the results, we propose as a management style situational leadership training and adapted to each team, depending on the individual development (competence and commitment), adapting the style to the situation: management, support and delegation coaching.

publication date

  • January 1, 2015