Model-Driven Software Development for Pervasive Information Systems Implementation Conference Paper uri icon


  • Model-driven development (MDD) conceptions and techniques essentially centre the focus of development on models. They are subject of current research as they allow enhanced productivity, technological platform independence and longevity of software artifacts. Another area of current research is the ubiquitous/pervasive computing area. This field of computing research focuses on the widespread adoption of embedded or mobile heterogeneous computing devices, which, when properly orchestrated, globally compose pervasive information systems (PIS). This work intends to clarify how should be MDD concepts and techniques structurally consolidated into an approach to software development for PIS. It involves two projects as case studies. From these case studies, it will be proposed methodological insights to design approaches for software development of PIS. While clarifying several issues pertaining to MDD for PIS, it shall promote other research works based on issues needing further study.

publication date

  • September 2007