selected publications
academic article
- Microwave treatment of biological samples for methylmercury determination by high performance liquid chromatography-cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Analyst. 126:1583-1587. 2001
- Microwave-assisted extraction for methylmercury determination in sediments by high performance liquid chromatography-cold vapour-atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 16:643-647. 2001
conference paper
journal article
- Monomethylmercury behaviour in sediments collected from a mercury-contaminated lagoon. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 49-61. 2011
- Accumulation versus remobilization of mercury in sediments of a contaminated lagoon. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 353-356. 2006
- Mercury cycling between the water column and surface sediments in a contaminated area. Water Research. 2893-2900. 2006
- Mercury distribution in Douro estuary (Portugal). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1218-1222. 2005
- Distribution of mercury in the upper sediments from a polluted area (Ria de aveiro, Portugal). Marine Pollution Bulletin. 682-686. 2005
- Effect of organic matter on determination of reactive mercury in contaminated waters. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 81-88. 2003
- Microwave-assisted extraction for methylmercury determination in sediments by high performance liquid chromatography-cold vapour-atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 643-647. 2001
- Simple methodology for methylmercury and inorganic mercury determinations by high-performance liquid chromatography-cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 135-143. 2001
- Storage and export of mercury from a contaminated bay (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal). Wetlands Ecology and Management. 311-316. 2001