Damage during instalation laboratory test. Influence of the type of granular material Conference Paper uri icon


  • Damage during installation of geosynthetics has been subjected to extended studies, and became standardised with the introduction of ENV ISO 10722-1 in form of an index test for laboratory simulated installation damage. These tests should be carried out using a synthetic granular material, however, some authors have discussed the legitimacy of using such material. To contribute to the evaluation of the effect of the granular material used in laboratory damage tests, a research program was established. The test program consisted in performing damage during installation tests on the three geosynthetics using three different methods, over a minimum of five specimens per geosynthetic. To characterise the effect of the damage induced, tensile tests were carried out on both intact and damaged specimens. The three methods used for the DDI tests referred differ in the material used in contact with the geosynthetics: synthetic aggregate (ENV ISO 10722-1), granite aggregate and limestone aggregate. The results obtained after tensile tests (EN ISO 10319) are presented and discussed. The corresponding partial safety factors for damaged during installation of the geosynthetics studied are derived. The main conclusions of this study are presented.

publication date

  • January 1, 2004