selected publications
academic article
- Demand for emergency services during the COVID-19 pandemic and disease burden: a case study in Portugal. Frontiers in Public Health. 11. 2024
- Comparison of Methodologies of CSR Index - Application to the PSI 20 Companies. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES. 137-143. 2013
- The Portuguese consumer sentiment index toward marketing-mix in crisis context. BMC Health Services Research. 9:97-100. 2013
conference paper
- A ranking on corporate social responsability for the PSI20 companies 2014
- Comparison of methodologies of CSR index - application to the PSI 20 companies 2013
- Comparison of methodologies of CSR index: application to the PSI 20 companies. Proceedings of the European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management Studies. 137-143. 2013
- Competências emocionais, tradução e validação do questionário de desenvolvimento emocional para adultos (QDE_A) 2012
- Construção de um índice de responsabilidade social empresarial para as empresas cotadas na EURONEXT Lisbon pertencentes ao PSI20 2012
- Conhecimentos e opiniões de médicos e farmacêuticos acerca dos genéricos versus padrões de prescrição/dispensa 2011
journal article
- Ganhos em saúde em Utentes Internados em Unidades de Média Duração. INFAD Revista de Psicología. 177-188. 2021
- The portuguese consumer sentiment index toward marketing mix in crisis context. BMC Health Services Research. 97-100. 2013
- Influence of Gilbert's syndrome on serum bilirubin levels and gallstone formation in children with chronic hemolytic disease 2002