Most significant socialization agents in adolescent sexuality Conference Paper uri icon


  • The teenage years are a stage of human progress which is the transition from childhood to adulthood. This causes in the young a set of turbulences, described as a moment of grief caused by the disappearance of child hood and the ritual of entry into adulthood. It means a period of discoveries of their own limits and questioning of values. So, it’s a time of learning and ruptures, a stage characterized by the need for social integration, the search for self-affirmation and individual independence and sexual definition (Silva & Mattos, 2004). The teenager, in the process of evolution, faces a whirl of feelings in an intense and very incongruent manner (Nasio, 2011). Sex education is a process that determines the structure and maturation of the personality of the individual, which depends on the culture in which it is inserted

publication date

  • January 1, 2014