selected publications
academic article
- Gendered plants and plant categorization by gender: classificatory and “storied” knowledge in Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. Ethnobotany Research and Applications. 21:1-20. 2021
- When the young think that every plant is parsley! Social variability of ethno-botanical knowledge and plant categorization in two rural areas in Portugal 2014
conference paper
- Plantas, usos e saberes: diversidade, conservação e aproveitamento do património natural e cultural em Trás-os-Montes 2012
- Connecting landscape conservation and management with traditional ecological knowledge: does it matter how people perceive landscape and nature. 474-479. 2010
- Connecting landscape conservation and management with traditional ecological knowledge: does it matter how people perceive landscape and nature? 2010
- Percursos da Etnobiologia portuguesa, dez anos de história, projectos e actividades. Revista de Fitoterapia. 46-46. 2010
- Folk medicine of Trás-os-Montes (Portugal). Traditional uses and bioactive compounds of six common medicinal species 2009
- Usar e relatar é também classificar. Diferenças sociais no conhecimento etnobotânico, categorização de plantas e concepções da natureza 2009
- When the young think that every plant is parsley. Social variability of ethnobotanical knowledge and plant categorization in two rural areas from Portugal 2009
- Espécies silvestres usadas na farmacopeia tradicional de Trás-os-Montes 2008
- Local ecological knowledge also comes "from books": cultural change, landscape transformation and conservation of biodiversity in two natural protected areas from Portugal. 490-490. 2008
- Medicinal plants: Past and present uses in several communities from the North-eastern Portugal 2008
- Medicinal plants: past and present use in several communities from the North-eastern Portugal 2008
- Flora aromática e medicinal do Nordeste Português. 23-23. 2007
- Flora aromática e medicinal do nordeste português: espécies, usos e saberes da Terra-Fria Transmontana 2007
journal article
- Dietary flexibility of western red colobus in two protected areas with contrasting anthropogenic pressure. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 1-17. 2023
- Gendered plants and plant categorization by gender: Classificatory and “storied” knowledge in trás-os-montes, portugal 2021
- When the young think that every plant is parsley! Social variability of ethno-botanical knowledge and plant categorization in two rural areas in Portugal. 58-68. 2014
- Importance of local knowledge in plant resources management and conservation in two protected areas from Trás-os-Montes, Portugal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 1-12. 2011
- Local ecological knowledge also ‘comes from books’: cultural change, landscape transformation and conservation of biodiversity in two protected areas in Portugal. Anthropological Notebooks. 27-36. 2009
- Conocimientos acerca de plantas en la nueva ruralidad. Cambio social y agro ecología en el Parque Natural de Montesinho (Portugal) 2007