Beef quality evaluation system Conference Paper uri icon


  • Applying computer vision in meat quality evaluation has been an active area of research in recent years. Accurate segmentation of beef-marbling images plays an important role in making the correct decision on beef-marbling score in an automatic beef quality grading system. The purpose of this study was to develop a new segmentation method to correctly separate the fat flecks from the muscle in the rib-eye region in a beef image. The key idea was to measure the percentage of marbling in the muscle to obtain a beef quality evaluation system.
  • Applying computer vision in meat quality evaluation has been an active area of research in recent years. Accurate segmentation of beef-marbling images plays an important role in making the correct decision on the beef-marbling score in an automatic beef quality grading system. The purpose of this study is to develop a novel segmentation method to correctly separate the fat flecks from the muscle in the rib-eye region in a beef image. This paper presents an automatic system for beef marbling measuring which is composed of discriminant threshold selection method and run length processing. From the experimental results, it has been confirmed that the proposed system enables high quality grading of beef marbling, and robust region segmentation of the actual beef rib-eye image into lean and fat regions.
  • The accurate accurate accurate accurate segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentationof beef -marbling marbling marblingmarbling images images playsplays plays an importantimportant important important role role in making making makingthe correct correct correct correctdecision decision decision decision on beef beefbeef-marbling marbling marbling marblingscore score scorein an automatic automatic automatic beef beef quality quality quality grading grading grading gradingsystemsystem system .The purposepurpose purposepurpose purposeof this thisstudy study studyis to develop develop develop developanew segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation segmentation method method to correctly correctly correctly correctly separate separate separate separate the fat flecksflecks flecks flecksfrom fromthe musclemuscle muscle musclein the rib -eye region region region of beef images images .
  • The accurate segmentation of beef-marbling images plays an important role in making the correct decision on beef-marbling score in an automatic beef quality grading system. The purpose of this study is to develop a new segmentation method to correctly separate the fat flecks from the muscle in the rib-eye region of beef images.

publication date

  • January 1, 2015