selected publications
academic article
- Study of chemical changes and antioxidant activity variation induced by gamma-irradiation on wild mushrooms: Comparative study through principal component analysis. Food Research International. 54:18-25. 2013
conference paper
- Fostering E-beam food irradiation. 99-123. 2022
- Food irradiation as a key to reduce food waste and guarantee food safety 2019
- Gamma irradiation preserves nutritional and chemical composition of Agaricus bisporus Portobello 2019
- Electron-beam irradiation preserves nutritional profile of Agaricus bisporus Portobello 2018
- Irradiação por feixe de electrões de alta energia na preservação de alimentos: estudo dosimétrico. 183-184. 2018
- Non-thermal processing by gamma and electron beam radiation for food preservation 2018
- Conservation of wild mushrooms through electron beam irradiation 2017
- Extraction of mushrooms relevant compounds through gamma and electron beam irradiation 2017
- Ionizing radiation for Food preservation processing: less or in excesso? 2017
- Ionizing radiation for food preservation processing: less or in excess? 2017
- A Física aplicada à qualidade alimentar: identificação de metais por “pixe” em castanhas 2016
- Aplicação das fórmulas CIELAB e CIEDE2000 na avaliação da cor de folhas vegetais irradiadas por uma fonte de Cobalto-60 2016
- Degradation of compounds present in cork boiling water by gamma radiation 2016
- Heavy elements in chestnuts 2016
- Assessment of gamma radiation effects on antioxidant activity of cork wastewater 2015
- Padrões de inactivação microbiana em hortelã-pimenta por radiação gama 2015
- Padrões de inativação microbiana em hortelã-pimenta por radiação gama 2015
- Salmonella typhimurium inactivation in Mentha x piperita L. by gamma irradiation 2015
- Absorbed dose and effective dose in food irradiation: measurement and validation with different phantoms. 241-241. 2014
- Dosimetric characterization of a multipurpose experimental Gamma chamber 2013
- The implementation of radiation technology program in Portugal. 56-64. 2010
- Eletron beam Irradiation preserves nutritional and chemical composition of Agaricus bisporus Portobello 2019
- Electron-beam irradiation preserves nutritional profile of Agaricus bisporus Portobello 2018
- Aplicação das fórmulas CIELAB e CIEDE2000 na avaliação da cor de folhas vegetais irradiadas por uma fonte de cobalto-60 2016
- Assessment of gamma radiation effects on antioxidant activity of cork wastewater 2015
- Dosimetric characterization of a multipurpose experimental Gamma chamber 2013
journal article
- Combined effects of irradiation and storage time on the nutritional and chemical parameters of dried Agaricus bisporus Portobello mushroom flour. Jornal of Food Science . 2276-2287. 2021
- Illuminating Olea europaea L. endophyte fungal community. Microbiological Research. 126693. 2021
- Climatic impacts on the bacterial community profiles of cork oak soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 89-97. 2019
- Effects of gamma radiation on cork wastewater: Antioxidant activity and toxicity. Chemosphere. 139-145. 2017
- Soil DNA pyrosequencing and fruitbody surveys reveal contrasting diversity for various fungal ecological guilds in chestnut orchards. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 946-954. 2015
- Study of chemical changes and antioxidant activity variation induced by gamma-irradiation on wild mushrooms: comparative study through principal component analysis. Food Research International. 18-25. 2013