selected publications
academic article
- Digital transformation of manufacturing. Industry of the future with cyber-physical production systems 2020
- Digital transformation of manufacturing through cloud services and resource virtualization. Computers in Industry. 108:150-162. 2019
- Governance mechanism in control architectures for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 28:1093-1098. 2015
- Benchmarking flexible job-shop scheduling and control systems. Control Engineering Practice. 21:1204-1225. 2013
- Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future: Proceedings of SOHOMA 2021. Ed. 1034. 2022
- Service orientation in holonic and multi-agent manufacturing: proceedings of SOHOMA 2016. Ed. 694. 2017
- Behavioural validation of the ADACOR2self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system. Ed. 9266. 2015
- Structural self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system. Ed. 8062 LNAI. 2013
- Nervousness in dynamic self-organized holonic multi-agent systems. Ed. 156 AISC. 2012
- Self-organized holonic manufacturing systems combining adaptation and performance optimization. Ed. 372 AICT. 2012
conference paper
- Cross benefits from cyber-physical systems and intelligent products for future smart industries. 504-509. 2017
- Improving the ADACOR<sup>2</sup> supervisor holon scheduling mechanism with genetic algorithms 2015
- Self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system: The Behavioural Perspective. 3829-3834. 2013
- State of the art and future trends of optimality and adaptability articulated mechanisms for manufacturing control systems. 1265-1270. 2013
- Structural self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems. 59-70. 2013
- Nervousness in dynamic self-organized holonic multi-agent systems. 9-17. 2012
- Self-organized holonic manufacturing systems combining adaptation and performance optimization. 163-170. 2012
- Enhancing ADACOR with biology insights towards reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2746-2751. 2011
journal article
- Digital transformation of manufacturing. Industry of the future with cyber-physical production systems. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. 3-37. 2020
- Digital transformation in service and computing oriented manufacturing 2017
- Pollux: a dynamic hybrid control architecture for flexible job shop systems. International Journal of Production Research. 4229-4247. 2017
- A dynamic hybrid control architecture for sustainable manufacturing control. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 114-119. 2016
- A switching mechanism framework for optimal coupling of predictive scheduling and reactive control in manufacturing hybrid control architectures. International Journal of Production Research. 7027-7042. 2016
- Dynamic self-organization in holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems: The ADACOR evolution. Computers in Industry. 99-111. 2015
- Benchmarking flexible job-shop scheduling and control systems. 1204-1225. 2013
- Bio-inspired multi-agent systems for reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 934-944. 2012