selected publications
- Behavioural validation of the ADACOR2self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system. Ed. 9266. 2015
- Structural self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system. Ed. 8062 LNAI. 2013
- Nervousness in dynamic self-organized holonic multi-agent systems. Ed. 156 AISC. 2012
- Self-organized holonic manufacturing systems combining adaptation and performance optimization. Ed. 372 AICT. 2012
conference paper
- Improving the ADACOR<sup>2</sup> supervisor holon scheduling mechanism with genetic algorithms 2015
- Self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing system: The Behavioural Perspective. 3829-3834. 2013
- Structural self-organized holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems. 59-70. 2013
- Nervousness in dynamic self-organized holonic multi-agent systems. 9-17. 2012
- Self-organized holonic manufacturing systems combining adaptation and performance optimization. 163-170. 2012
- Enhancing ADACOR with biology insights towards reconfigurable manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2746-2751. 2011
- Self-adaptation for robustness and cooperation in holonic multi-agent systems. 267-288. 2009
journal article
- Dynamic self-organization in holonic multi-agent manufacturing systems: The ADACOR evolution. Computers in Industry. 99-111. 2015