PBN - Portugal, beekeeping and nosema
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PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional Triénio de 2011-2013
This work aims at carrying out a survey to assess the prevalence of Nosema sp in
Portugal. There has been an increasing number of positively lab-identified cases of
Nosema in Bee Pathology Laboratories across the country in recent years. However, the
optical microscopy methods that have been used are unreliable to identify the species of
Nosema. Considering the growing number of reports implicating Nosema ceranae in
colony morbidityl mortality, it is relevant to clarify the current epidemiology of Nosemosis
in our specific national beekeeping context, pinpointing the etiologic agents to the
species level and, eventually, identifying possible intra-specific types. We will also
investigate the negative impact of Nosema on infected colonies and clarify t he efficacy of
some biological commercially available products "recommended" to mitigate the impact
of Nosema in honey bee colonies.