selected publications
academic article
- The Contour Method for Residual Stress Determination Applied to an AA6082-T6 Friction Stir Butt Weld. Materials Science Forum. 681:177-181. 2011
conference paper
- Deployment of a Smart and Predictive Maintenance System in an Industrial Case Study 2020
- Development of Ergonomic User Interfaces for the Human Integration in Cyber-Physical Systems. 1632-1637. 2019
- Maintenance 4.0: Intelligent and Predictive Maintenance System Architecture. 139-146. 2018
- Conocimiento nutricional y la ingesta de alimentos en adolescentes portugueses 2016
- Influência da velocidade de avanço na corrosão da liga de alumínio AA6082-T6 soldada por fricção linear. 1-10. 2016
- Nutritional and physical activity knowledge association with body fat in adolescents. 218-218. 2016
- A relação entre nível educacional e consumo de hortofrutícolas em adolescentes. 62-62. 2015
- Associação entre nível educacional e adequação nutricional de adolescentes. 61-62. 2015
- Conhecimentos nutricionais e ingestão alimentar em adolescentes. 41-41. 2014
- Intervention program in children and adolescents to promote physical fitness, physical activity and nutritional knowledge. INFAD. Revista científica internacional de psicología educativa y evolutiva de la infancia, adolescencia, mayores y discapacidad.. 66-66. 2014
- Physical activity levels and nutritional knowledge’s among children and adolescents. 622-622. 2014
- FBG sensors application for residual stress measurement using the hole drilling method 2013
- Internet interventions in physical activity and dietary behavior for adolescents – with or without schools?. 32-36. 2013
- Avaliação antropométrica em adolescentes: índice de massa corporal, percentagem de gordura corporal e circunferência da cintura. Nutricias. 58-58. 2012
- Adolescents perception of parents and peers diet and physical activity behaviour and encouragement 2011
- Adolescents perception of parents and peers diet and physical exercise behaviour and stimulus. Obesity Reviews. 84-84. 2011
- Comportamento alimentar e patologias: o que os adolescentes (não) sabem! 2010
- Nutrition knowledge in adolescents: perception of parents and peers behavior and stimulus. 445-445. 2010
- Relação entre consumo alimentar e patologias - o que os adolescentes (não) sabem! - 2010
journal article
- Associations between fruit and vegetable variety and low-grade inflammation in Portuguese adolescents from LabMed Physical Activity Study. European Journal of Nutrition. 2055-2068. 2018
- Dietary inflammatory index and inflammatory biomarkers in adolescents from LabMed physical activity study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 710-719-719. 2018
- Estudo dos parâmetros de soldadura na corrosão da liga de alumínio AA6082-T6 soldada por fricção linear. Mecânica Experimental. 1-8. 2017
- Validation of the portuguese version of the international physical activity questionnaire for adolescents (IPAQA). Open Sports Sciences Journal. 239-250. 2017
- Adaptation, Update and Validation of the General Nutrition Questionnaire in a Portuguese Adolescent Sample. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 528-542. 2014
- The contour method for residual stress determination applied to an AA6082-T6 friction stir butt weld. Materials Science Forum. 177-181. 2011
- Time limit at the minimum velocity of VO2max and intracyclic variation of the velocity of the centre of mass. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto. 189-192. 2006