Development of a smart electric motor testbed for Internet of Things and big data technologies Artigo de Conferência uri icon


  • Smart devices and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are becoming each day more common. At the same time, besides the exponentially increasing demand to analyze the produced data, there is an evolving trend to perform the data analysis closer to the data sources, particularly at the Fog and Edge levels. In this sense, the development of testbeds that can, e.g., simulate smart devices in IoT environments, are important to explore and develop the technologies to enable the complete realization of such IoT concepts. This paper describes the digitization of an electric motor, through the incorporation of sensing and an analytical computational environment, towards the development of a testbed for IoT and Big Data technologies. The smart electric motor testbed provides real-time data streams, enabling a continuous monitoring of its operation along all the device life-cycle through advanced data analytics. Furthermore, the paper discusses how specific data analytics features fit the different IoT layers, while preliminary experiments demonstrate the testbed potentials.


  • Leitao, P.
  • Dias, J.
  • Leitao, P.
  • Eugenio Oliveira

data de publicação

  • janeiro 1, 2017