selected publications
academic article
conference paper
- Evaluation of soil organic carbon storage in a sustainable forest chestnut context 2014
- Assessment of literfall in chestnut forest stands: comparison of two sample methods 2013
- Comparação de métodos de amostragem de folhada: Implicações nas estimativas obtidas. 65-65. 2013
- Corte de regeneração de um povoamento de castanheiro bravo aos 65 anos de idade: Efeito no stock de C e nutrientes do solo. 242-242. 2013
- Evaluating soil organic carbon and nutrient storage in a sustainable forest chestnut management context 2013
- Biomassa e energia no Nordeste de Portugal 2012
- Carbon and nutrients inputs to the soil in a mixed plantations trial 2011
- Carbon and nutrients stocks in the mineral soil of old high forest chestnut stands 2011
- Culturas lenhosas de curta rotação e produção energética no Nordeste de Portugal 2011
- Litterfall and litter decomposition in chestnut high forest stands in northern Portugal 2010
- Microbial biomass and N mineralization in mixed plantations of broadleaves and nitrogen-fixing species 2010
- Assessment of biomass and carbon litterfall in three chestnut high forest stands in Northern Portugal 2009
- Biomassa microbiana e respiração do solo em plantações de folhosas consociadas com uma espécie acessória fixadora de N (Robinia pseudoacacia). 45. 2009
- Desenvolvimento de sistemas dedicados de produção de biomassa lenhosa para energia em Trás-os-Montes. 176-176. 2009
- Estado da arte da investigação silvícola de folhosas de médio crescimento em povoamentos puros e mistos. 262-271. 2009
- Mixed forests plantations with naturalized broadleaves and nitrogen fixing species 2009
- Mineralização do N do solo: caso de estudo num ensaio de plantações mistas de Fraxinus excelsior x Alnus cordata 2008
- Sustainable woody biomass production systems: a novel solution for energy, agriculture and the environment in Portugal 2008
- Carbon and nutrient inputs by litterfall into three chestnut high forest stands in North Portugal 2007
- Biomassa e energia no Nordeste de Portugal 2012
- Carbon and nutrient inputs by litterfall into three chestnut high forest stands in Northern Portugal 2009
- Desenvolvimento de sistemas dedicados de produção de biomassa lenhosa para energia em Trás-os-Montes 2009
- Mixed forests plantations with naturalized broadleaves and nitrogen fixing species 2009
- Sustainable woody biomass production systems: a novel solution for energy, agriculture and the environment in Portugal 2008
- Mineralização do N do solo: Caso de estudo num ensaio de plantações mistas de Fraxinus excelsior x Alnus cordata 2008
journal article
- Litterfall and litter decomposition in chestnut high forest stands in northern Portugal. Forest Systems. 259-271. 2012
- Microbial biomass and N mineralization in mixed plantations of broadleaves and nitrogen-fixing species. Forest Systems. 516-524. 2011