selected publications
academic article
conference paper
- Geosynthetics for sustainable cities: 3D models and mechanical damage 2022
- Geosynthetics for sustainable cities: 3D numerical models and mechanical damage 2022
- Computational Modeling of Joint Lines in Punched Metal Plate Fasteners. 937-942. 2020
- Numerical Analysis Of Load Distribution in Joint Lines With Punched Metal Plate Fasteners. ICEUBI 2019 International Congress on Engineering University of Beira Interior – Engineering for Evolution. 2019
journal article
- Three-dimensional modelling of in-isolation tensile response of geogrids using hyperbolic constitutive models. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 104008. 2023
- Análise numérica de uma ligação de treliça com chapas metálicas dentadas: caso de estudo de uma ligação tipo heel joint. 1-7. 2021