selected publications
academic article
- What motivates patients with COPD to be physically active? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021
- The use of digital motion detection technologies on active aging promotion. Thomson Reuters - Aranzadi. 2020
- The Acceptance of Motion Detection Devices by the Elderly 2017
- Motion capture devices on elderly physical activities. 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
conference paper
- Estudo sobre a Utilização de Dispositivos Móveis pelos Professores em seis países europeus 2017
- Motion capture devices on elderly physical activities 2017
- Trazer vida à sala de aula: utilização inovadora de dispositivos móveis no processo educativo 2017
- Motion detection devices to promote quality of life on elderly. 14-14. 2016
- Are indoor and outdoor opportunities for physical activity related to active behaviours in patients with COPD? 2022
- End-users’ perspectives of an eHealth platform to promote physical activity in COPD: a qualitative study. 2531-2531. 2022
- End-users’ perspectives of an eHealth platform to promote physical activity in COPD: a qualitative study (Thematic poster) 2022
- Exegames para idosos com Leap Motion Exergames for older age using Leap Motion 2018
- Exergames for older age using Leap Motion. 106-108. 2018
- Exegames para idosos com Leap Motion Exergames for older age using Leap Motion 2017
- Aging and Exergames 2017
- Autonomia e inclusão digital do idoso – um estudo com recurso a exergames 2017
- Educação para a utilização de detetores de movimento na promoção de um envelhecimento ativo 2016
- O Transplante Renal — Da Diálise à Hemodiálise rumo ao Doutoramento 2016
- Educação para a utilização de detetores de movimento 2016
- CadSolid - Cad e Cam Integrado S.A
- Moodle & Website Cad/Cam — Certified Training
- Ontrack