selected publications
academic article
- Digital Ecosystem Model for GIAHS: The Barroso Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral System. Sustainability. 2022
conference paper
- Avaliação da qualidade de vida e de sono dos termalistas do balneário termal de chaves. 143-143. 2021
- Effects of a 26-week shallow water head-out aquatic exercise program on the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-aged women. 14-16. 2011
- Effects of a 26-weeks shallow water head-out aquatic exercise program in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women 2011
- Effects of a 26-weeks shallow water head-out aquatic exercise programme in the anthropometrics, body composition and physiological response of healthy middle-age women 2011
journal article